Bone questions

Check out in-depth FAQs where we answer all your questions on osteoporosis diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. You can also learn more about the natural benefits of supplements and the science behind Stronger Bones.

How can I prevent osteoporosis?

We all lose bone density and strength as we get older, so while it may be impossible to prevent osteoporosis there are things we can all do to improve the health of our bones, including

  • Eat a healthy diet rich in fruit and vegetables
  • Exercise regularly
  • Stop smoke
  • Cut down on alcohol
  • Ensure we get the vitamins and minerals we need

If you’re worried about your bone health, speak to your doctor. They can answer any questions you might have and provide more information on the things you can do to improve your bone health.

Can you treat osteoporosis?

If you are diagnosed with osteoporosis, your doctor will decide on the most effective course of treatment. This may include prescription medication, such as bisphosphonates, that work to slow bone loss in your body. Alongside prescription medicines, your doctor may recommend making changes to your diet and lifestyle, as well as suggest taking a regular daily supplement of vitamin D and calcium.

Can you cure osteoporosis?

There is currently no cure for osteoporosis. However, there are effective treatments that can slow the loss of bone. Treatments are most effective when coupled with lifestyle changes, including cutting down on alcohol, stopping smoking and eating a healthy diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Some people may also benefit from taking daily supplements of essential vitamins, including vitamin D and increasing their intake of calcium and magnesium.

Supported by charities such as Royal Osteoporosis Society, scientists are exploring new treatments for osteoporosis and the future is exciting.

Will I get osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis isn’t inevitable, and not everyone will develop osteoporosis. However, women are four times more likely to get osteoporosis than men. Other factors that can influence whether you’ll develop osteoporosis include lifestyle, diet, weight and whether you exercise regularly or not. Genetics are also thought to play a role in a person’s risk of developing osteoporosis in their lifetime. Your risk of developing osteoporosis can increase if you suffer from certain medical conditions and regularly take medicine that affects your bones.

There are many things you can do to improve the health of your bones, including eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly and ensuring you get the vitamins you need.

What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a debilitating health condition that causes bones to become more fragile. It occurs when bone mineral density (BMD) and bone mass reduces, leaving you at greater risk of fractures and breaks. It’s hard to spot the signs of osteoporosis, with many only receiving a diagnosis of osteoporosis following a fall, fracture or break. It’s estimated that over 3 million people in the UK have osteoporosis, many of whom are living without a confirmed diagnosis. The condition is the leading cause of fractures in post-menopausal women and older men.

What is good for healthy bones?

There are loads of ways you can improve your bone health. Get enough exercise, eat a healthy diet including lots of fruit and vegetables, stop smoking and cut down on alcohol. You’ll need to ensure you get enough calcium and essential vitamins, such as vitamin D. Taking a regular supplement could have bone health benefits, particularly for those with a deficiency in calcium, vitamin D or magnesium, or those who want to provide a natural boost for their bones. We believe everyone should get serious about their bones and do everything they can to protect them throughout their lifetime.

What causes poor bone health?

Bone loss is natural as we age. Our bone density peaks in our 30s, and falls from then. There are other factors that can affect bone health, including genetics, a lifelong lack of calcium, being underweight, smoking, drinking too much alcohol and having a poor diet. Some prescription medicines can affect bone health. People may have medical conditions that can cause bone loss. A combination of these factors can lead to a significant loss of bone density, which can lead to damaging health conditions such as osteoporosis.

Why are healthy bones important?

Stronger bones are less likely to fracture or break. But more than that, protecting your bone health enables you to do the things you love, enjoying freedom, flexibility and free movement as you age. The reality is that we will all lose bone density as we age but by doing the right things – exercising, eating and drinking healthily, and ensuring our bodies get the vitamins we need – we give our bodies and bones the best chance of staying as strong as they can.

What happens to bones when you age?

Our bones may feel solid, but they’re living tissue that over time regenerates. Our bones are at their strongest in our 30s. As we get older, we find that we make less bone than we lose, which leads to a loss of bone density. We all lose bone as we age, but women lose more than men. Menopausal and post-menopausal women can experience a severe loss of bone. Losing too much bone can lead to osteoporosis, causing a higher risk of fractures and breaks.

Osteoporosis isn’t inevitable and bone loss doesn’t have to limit your freedom and flexibility. The key is getting serious about building stronger bones as soon as you can.