Posted on 5 September 2022

Your bone questions answered

We’ve scoured Google to find some of the most asked questions about bone health, osteoporosis, and the menopause. It’s a big topic, but we’ve answered them below.

The information here is to help you learn more about the health of your body and bones. This doesn’t constitute medical advice; you should always speak to a medical professional if you’re worried.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way let’s begin!

What supplement is best for bone health?

We’re not going to prescribe supplements (as we’re not doctors, and that’s not what we do). But if you’re worried about your bones, you may find that a calcium supplement and vitamin D supplement are beneficial.

To keep your bones as strong as possible, make sure you’re getting enough of these essential vitamins and minerals:

What supplements help you regenerate bone?

Your bones hit peak density in your 30s, after which they decline. There’s no single supplement that can rebuild your bones. Any that claim to do so isn’t telling the truth.

However, supplements can play a part in a healthy lifestyle that can help you to improve your bone health.

Popular bone health supplements include:

  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K
  • Collagen
  • Turmeric
  • Magnesium

Do supplements help to build bone?

Supplements help your body get the vitamins and minerals it needs to grow bone, including calcium and vitamin D. But taking a supplement alone won’t make your body grow new bone.

To ensure your bones are strongest, you’ll need to ensure that you get enough:

  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K
  • Collagen
  • Turmeric
  • Magnesium

Can I get the bone health vitamins I need from my diet?

Vitamin deficiency is a big issue in the UK. One of the biggest issues for bone health is vitamin D deficiency. We get vitamin D from the sun, which is fine in the summer, but low levels of sunlight during autumn, winter, and spring can leave many of us needing more.

You can get vitamin D in your diet, but it’s unlikely you’ll be able to get enough. It’s an issue for vegetarians and vegans, with red meat one of the best sources of vitamin D.

So, what can you do?

Taking supplements will ensure you get the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs for stronger bones.

What can I take to strengthen my bones?

Essential bone health supplements include:

  • Calcium supplements
  • Vitamin D supplements
  • Vitamin K supplements
  • Collagen supplements
  • Turmeric supplements
  • Magnesium supplements

What is the fastest way to increase bone density?

NICE recommends that every person diagnosed with osteoporosis makes lifestyle changes that can improve their bone health and strengthen weakened bones. These same lifestyle changes can go a long way to preventing osteoporosis, too.

Here are 5 ways you can strengthen your bones:

  1. Increases physical activity
  2. Take supplements
  3. Stops smoking
  4. Eat well
  5. Cut down on alcohol

Can bone density loss be reversed?

You may be prescribed medicine to help you grow new bone if you have osteoporosis. However, for most people, bone density loss is permanent.

However, there are lifestyle changes you can make to help you improve the strength of your bones. Here are five ways we can all build stronger bones:

  1. Increase physical activity
  2. Take supplements
  3. Stops smoking
  4. Eat well
  5. Cut down on alcohol

How can I increase my bone density after 60?

In our 60s, we’re all at risk of bone loss. The good news is that there are some simple things we can all do, at any age, to help us grow stronger bones, including:

  1. Increase physical activity
  2. Take supplements
  3. Stops smoking
  4. Eat well
  5. Cut down on alcohol

What vitamin helps with bone density?

Calcium and vitamin D are critical for building stronger bones. Calcium and vitamin D are the best supplements for bone repair if you’re deficient. They work together to help stimulate the bone cells to regenerate and rebuild, allowing you to get stronger bones.

You can read more in our guide to the best supplements for bone repair.

Which two vitamins are essential for bones?

Every patient at risk of osteoporosis should ensure they have an adequate calcium and vitamin D intake says NICE. 

Supplements help to boost the body, providing the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to stop bone thinning and stimulate bone growth.

Calcium supplements are essential to increase bone mineral density, but you should also take vitamin D (which helps the body absorb calcium).

Can walking increase bone density?

Walking is a great exercise to help you maintain a healthy weight, but it won’t do much for the health of your bones.

To build stronger bones, you need to do resistance exercise where you put your bones under stress, say experts.

What is the best supplement for osteoporosis?

Our bodies are all different (and we’re not doctors), so we’re not going to tell you what supplements to buy (sorry).

But, if you want to build bones, you’ll have to ensure you’re getting enough vitamin D and calcium.

As well as these two bone-builders, some people also benefit from taking:

  • Vitamin K supplements
  • Collagen supplements
  • Turmeric supplements
  • Magnesium supplements

Need some more information? Please read our guide to the best osteoporosis supplements.

Can collagen reverse osteoporosis?

Some studies have found that post-menopausal women who take a collagen supplement lost less bone than those who didn’t.

Does that mean that collagen can reverse osteoporosis? Not quite.

There’s not enough long-term evidence on the impact and benefits of collagen on bones. Until we’ve enough evidence, we can’t be sure that glucosamine supplements have bone health benefits.

However, we know that they can help improve your joint health, and taking one won’t harm you.

Will I get osteoporosis after menopause?

While all women go through the menopause, not every woman will develop osteoporosis. The higher your bone density before menopause, the less likely you are to develop osteoporosis.

According to the NHS, some women are more likely to develop osteoporosis than others.

Women are at greater risk of developing osteoporosis if they have:

  • early menopause (before the age of 45)
  • a hysterectomy before 45
  • absent periods for more than six months caused by dieting or exercise

Learn more about the links between menopause and osteoporosis in our in-depth article here.

Are you worried about your bone health?

Then speak to a doctor. We may sell the best supplements at the lowest prices, but we’re not doctors and can’t diagnose your issues.

You should always speak to a medical professional before taking any supplements. It’s because some supplements can interact with prescription medicines, and we’d never want you to experience problems with your health.

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