Posted on 31 August 2022

Are you getting enough vitamin D?

Are you getting enough vitamin D? It’s the question we’re all asking, and the answer is probably no.

Studies show that up to 20% of the UK population isn’t getting enough vitamin D, and the impact on the body and bones can be long-lasting and hugely damaging.

Vitamin D plays an essential role in the body, helping to improve our immune systems and build bones. Specifically, vitamin D regulates calcium – helping to ensure our bones use calcium most effectively to create stronger bones.

In this article, we look at some of the common signs of vitamin D deficiency and some of the ways that you can improve your vitamin D intake.

How can I tell if I’m vitamin D deficient?

Vitamin D deficiency is typically defined as having blood levels below 20 ng/mL, but you’ll only know your vitamin D levels if you take a medical test.

Scientists will tell you that the most accurate way to measure how much vitamin D is by doing a 25-hydroxy vitamin D blood test. Sadly, most of us lack the skills, training, and equipment to perform this test, so we need to look for other signs.

Vitamin D deficiency can be difficult to detect. In many cases, the symptoms don’t show up. But there are some signs to look out for:

  • Are you fatigued?
  • Do you regularly experience infections?
  • Do you experience bone and back pain?
  • Do you feel depressed?
  • Are you losing your hair?
  • Do wounds take longer to heal than before?
  • Are you anxious?
  • Do your muscles ache?

This list contains some of the many symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. However, they are also common to a huge range of other conditions too.

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s worth chatting with your doctor. We’re not medical professionals, and this article doesn’t constitute medical advice. Now we’ve got that out of the way…

How much vitamin D do I need for stronger bones?

Every adult should get 10 micrograms (400IU) of vitamin D every day.

The safe upper limit for vitamin D is 100mg daily, or 4000IU.

But, while you’ll see some super-sized vitamin D supplements, taking too much, vitamin D can be bad for your health, body, and bones. It can cause calcium to build up in your body, which can be dangerous.

You can read more about how much vitamin D you need in our in-depth article here.

Can I get enough vitamin D in my diet?

We get most of the vitamin D we need from the sun. While that’s fine during the summer, it can be hard to get enough in the spring, autumn, and winter.

In fact, the NHS recommends that every adult takes a supplement between October and March. M

But can we get enough vitamin D from our diets?

You can find Vitamin D in many foods, including:

  • oily fish – such as salmon, sardines, herring and mackerel
  • red meat
  • liver
  • egg yolks
  • fortified foods – such as some fat spreads and breakfast cereals

Looking at that list, it’s no surprise that vegetarians and vegans find it difficult to get enough vitamin D from their diets.

So, what are the solutions?

Should I take a vitamin D supplement?

While you can get a decent dose of vitamin D from your diet, it’s unlikely (but not impossible) to get enough.

Most people could benefit from a high-quality vitamin D supplement for the health of their body, bones, and immune system.

At Stronger Bones, we’ve got a range of high-quality vitamin D supplements. Alongside tablets, you can also find a range of sprays and gummies.

You can also get multivitamins, such as Osavi’s ADEK, which includes vitamin D, vitamin K, E, and A. 

If you want the ultimate in convenience, subscribe and save on every purchase. Or sign-up to our Prevent box, and you’ll never run out of vitamin D supplements again!

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